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Why GitButler

The GitButler manifesto, as it were.

Everyone loves a good manifesto. So, why is there a need for a new Git client in the world? Don't we have enough? Isn't the command line just fine?

Having cofounded GitHub, trained dozens of corporate teams on distributed version control tools and literally written the book on Git, we have spent a lot of time and energy over the last decade thinking about the source code management tools that software developers use every day.

GitHub has changed the way that millions of developers across the world collaborate and work with their source code, but as sophisticated and user friendly as that tool is in our daily coding lives, using GitHub or GitLab or Bitbucket still requires all of those developers to work with a command line tool that is confusing, difficult to use, error prone and not originally designed or built for the workflows and processes that most developers today use. That tool is Git.

Sure, some small minority will use a GUI of some sort, but even those tools are mostly wrappers around the core concepts of Git itself, never reimagining what source code management could be or if Git itself is actually good at helping them with the tasks they face on a daily basis. I've never personally used one because they do little that Git itself doesn't and honestly it's generally easier to just do those tasks on the command line, where it's quick and efficient and I don't have to take my hands off the keyboard.

But what if we broke down everything that you try to accomplish with Git, with source code management tools in general, reduce them down to first principles and imagine a tool that does all of those things better? Are you using Git because it's the best way you can imagine accomplishing those tasks, or are you using it because it's what is there, it's what works with GitHub, it's the only real option?

The reality is that source code management tools have changed very little on a fundamental level in the last 40 years. If you look at the tools and commands and interface that RCS had in the 80s, or Subversion had in the 90s, is it really massively different than how you use Git today on a daily basis?

Yes, Git has easy branching, acceptable merging, a nice network transport method to move your code around, but you're still making manual checkins, you're still trying to remember obscure arguments, you're still losing work when things get complicated.

GitButler is rethinking everything between when you write code in your editor of choice and when you push that code to GitHub for review. Why are you making 'wip' commits when your SCM should be recording everything for you? Why are everyone's commit messages close to useless? Why is git blame the best way to get context on the code your team has written? Why can't you seamlessly transition work between computers?

We are creating not only a new kind of Git client, but an entirely new way of thinking about managing the code that you work on. A tool that helps you at every step of the software development process. A code concierge, hard at work for you to ensure that you'll never lose a moment of work again. That you'll have all the context and support you'll need around every line of code you work on.

Managing your source code can be different, smarter, leaps ahead of the 40 year old concepts that we're using today.

Our goal is to make sure that nobody ever has to read Scott's book again. That you don't have to learn how to manage your source code management tool.

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